apríl 12, 2006

Yoda has spoken

After reading the words of wisdom from Yoda I decided to shape up and do something. Yoda by the way wrote in last posts, comments. My life has been colored brown by my illness :) I have not been able to study or go out or anything. Boring stuff. I got some antibiotics from the medicine man. Now all i can do is trust the force to work.

Stength flows from the force Yoda once said, and I am beginning to feel it. I started studying again today, although I didnt do much but it is a start. I am doing an essay on the media as nautral observers in global conflict as the media spokesmen say, or if they are in fact active participants and central to the war propoganda machine between the governments and the public. What do you think? Are the media nautral or are they taking part in conflict, for example the war on terror, or "the long war" as Dubbja Bush calls it.

I can feel the brain starting to work again, and then I have to think about Dubbja and his antics in Iran. Bush is not a Blues Brother. He is not on a mission from god, even though he likes to think so. It must be good to feel divine. I think that if I start to belive in Neo-Conservatism and do it devotedly I might get this feeling. Like a Morgan Spurlock experiment.

2 ummæli:

Nafnlaus sagði...

Hvað er að þér nú
þig vantar alla trú
ertu eitthvað sár
það streyma niður tár
þetta er ekki neitt
þú getur þessu breytt
Æ og skammastu þín svo

Eiríkur Fjalar

-Hawk- sagði...

Gaman að sjá að þú ert byrjaður að blogga aftur :)

Um mig

Myndin mín
I was born in Iceland and lived there for most of my life until I moved to the UK to study. I am enjoying life and educating myself at the same time.