apríl 30, 2006
Lazy sunday afternoon
This has been one lazy Sunday afternoon. Freyja went to town with Antigoni and some other Greek girl, went shopping and having coffee and just having fun. While I sit here doing the ICS Newsletter that will be out on Tuesday. I had to order the book for my essay from Amazon to get it in time so I can finish my essay next Friday. The book is called Perpetual Contact, and is about mobile communications. My bright point of today was Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure. Still not as good as B&T Bogus Journey. Just gonna finish the newsletter and see how fast I can do it. I predict an hour. Wow...sad...writing just to write something. Perhaps I should get a beer. Or coffee. I dont know, I need help people...what do I need...?
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Um mig

- S. Kristjansson
- I was born in Iceland and lived there for most of my life until I moved to the UK to study. I am enjoying life and educating myself at the same time.
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