I sent an email to my study group, and I hope I get any response from them. Deadline for them to hand in material is friday. If nothing gets to me by then, I have no choice but to do the presentation on my own. If I dont get very good response from them I will ask the persons who did not contribute to leave the class room when I have my presentation. I hate freeriders. So far they have proved themselves as first class freeriders. Think about this....three of the girls did not show up for a Group meeting, and when asked why thy did not show up and who would do the work, they said....there where other people there, and calmly walked away. Is it just me or is something wrong with their work ethincs.
apríl 18, 2006
Bistro place
Yesterday we went to this cool bistro place up in Chapel Allerton and we had pasta and burger. Carling beer of course. Today we watched Desperate housewifes, 24 and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Between this we did some studying. My essay is forming in my head. I will read tomorrow also and then write on thursday and friday.
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- S. Kristjansson
- I was born in Iceland and lived there for most of my life until I moved to the UK to study. I am enjoying life and educating myself at the same time.
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