ps.. I was thinking about going to see the Rolling Stones play, but the cheapest standing tickets are 40 pounds (stadium tour) and the better ones and the standing ones are 150 pounds. If that is not being robbed in broad daylight by old men who have not had a hit since before I was born, I dont know nothing.
febrúar 20, 2006
The weekend of nothing
The weekend of nothing... I did nothing in my essay as I was supposed to do, but it is ok, I will start fresh on monday. Other than that Machester United lost against Liverpool in the FA cup. They never had a chance, no FA cup for them...nothing. Suffered over the game on TV, and saw Alan Smith break his foot. But not close up, just from a distance, so that was not as discusting as it could have been. He wont play for a year...nothing. Damn this is depressing. Lionel Ritchie speaking about his life on tv now, mentiones everything exept his drug abuse and violence against his wife. Beats her into nothing....sometimes into a pulp...when he is feeling generous. Freyja went this morning to the farmers market in Leeds city market, and I asked her to buy some honey sticks, but she came home guess it.
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- S. Kristjansson
- I was born in Iceland and lived there for most of my life until I moved to the UK to study. I am enjoying life and educating myself at the same time.
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