febrúar 28, 2006
Sleeping in public places again...
Same thing happened to me again as my Starbucks adventure last week. I waited for Freyja again but now in a bar called D-Fusion. I got a cold pint of Fosters beer and sat down reading about the global conflicts over water in The Independent. But then I got sligtly sleepy, and was dozing off abit holding a phone in my hand and the beer on the table. I was not asleep, but dozing...I was mostly worrying that the staff at the bar would throw me out like a common drunk, even though I had only had 3 sips of the beer. But Freyja came and said that she had seen me sleeping against the window.
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- S. Kristjansson
- I was born in Iceland and lived there for most of my life until I moved to the UK to study. I am enjoying life and educating myself at the same time.
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