Newsletter meeting tomorrow... lets see what happens.
febrúar 26, 2006
Jorvik Viking Festival
Just came back from the Jorvik Viking Festival. It was great to see York, beutiful city and the festival great. At the final show, the big Viking battle there were a few people talking, and they had T-shirts on, that said, "we are the best viking shows in England" being all negative and dissing the other Vikings for being unrealistic and stuff like that. This was depressing and I was very close to poiting out to them that they where simply pissed off for not being invited to this event.
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- S. Kristjansson
- I was born in Iceland and lived there for most of my life until I moved to the UK to study. I am enjoying life and educating myself at the same time.
2 ummæli:
It's even sadder that in Iceland they import these second class vikings to play viking shows for foreigners.
The Viking wannabe sub-culture is annoying even more so than the medieval-ists. Isn't it all just sexual perversions?
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