febrúar 20, 2006
My Starbucks adventure
Just came from school with a backpack and a bag full of books. Went to Starbucks on Briggate and ordered a medium black coffee...Medium coffee is biiiig. I was gonna wait for Freyja who just finished in about an hour. I came in opened a copy of The Times and started to read. Then I almost fell asleep, sat there almost slepping into a huge cup of coffee and an English newspaper. Felt good. Almost asleep, and trying to read and drink coffee and wait at the same time. I dont think anyone noticed...But after Freyja was longer at school than she expected, I had read The Times to bits. And the result is that i dont want more coffee today, and I am seriously thinking of downloading the new Neil Diamond album. That is weird.
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Um mig

- S. Kristjansson
- I was born in Iceland and lived there for most of my life until I moved to the UK to study. I am enjoying life and educating myself at the same time.
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