desember 09, 2005

From now on...

From now on I will do my blogs in English... You all understand, and I have many other people who read that don't understand Icelandic. So.... if you dont like it, let me know. Annyhoo. I got a cool post from Dr. Sarakakis, who teaches at Leeds Uni. I suggested a few weeks ago to my fellow student reps that we shoul start a magazine or a newsletter, for students and the faculty. The interest was ok, but not very much. Then in a meeting with the Staff Student Committee or SSC I mentioned this under "other matters" according to the meeting plan. To my surpise most of the staff took the idea very well, in fact better than my fellow student reps. Dr Sarakakis got all exited about this, but said that she was not volunteering for anything... So this letter is not a big surprise for me. I was on my way of doing a website front for this over x-mas and have been thinking about this alot. I am gonna write to Dr S. and see what happens.

I got me first meeting with my MA dissertation supervisor, Dr. Sobol yesterday, and that went well. More on that later.

Other matters... well dont know, Freyja is very busy doing her projects and so am I. But it is getting closer to December 17th, that means....THE POGUES Live in Manchester. Gonna be awsome to finally see the "The master" himself. Shane MacGowan.

2 ummæli:

Nafnlaus sagði...


Nafnlaus sagði...

Og hvernig voru the pogues ?

Það hlýtur að vera efni í langt blogg

Kv. Gni.

Um mig

Myndin mín
I was born in Iceland and lived there for most of my life until I moved to the UK to study. I am enjoying life and educating myself at the same time.