Thorunn and Sveinbjorn came to visit us last weekend. It was fantastic to see some freinds, since we have been alone here in Leeds for over a year and have had no visits from any freinds. We met them at Manchester Airport, and took them to Leeds, and the day after we went to Manchester again, but this time to see a football match. England v Macedonia at Old Trafford. It was a boring game, but the everything around the match was fun, the people, atmoshpere and all that. We did some sightseeing in Machester before and after the game. Sunday was just shopping in Leeds and then we went to the movies and saw The Departed by Martin Scorsese, starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Jack Nicholson, Matt Damon and many many others. Great movie. And as a result I am listening to the fantastic band, The Dropkick Murphys. We then went to Akbars to eat, a good Arabic place. The Monday went into more shopping and walking around the University area. That same day I picked up the flu and have been sick since. It was sad to see them leave.
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