mars 25, 2006
Spring is in the air
mars 13, 2006
Manchester United game
mars 01, 2006
The chosen one...part two
------------ Dear Snorri, Dr. Sarikakis has chosen you as someone who might be kind enough to help the department with the marketing of its MA courses to potential future students. I am writing to you now to see if you would be willing to write a few sentences about: your impressions about one or more aspects of the MACS programme, your career or your learning, the academic community and teachers and a couple of lines about the university and the city. You may refer to something that particularly impressed you at the MACS and the things you most enjoyed doing/learning We are having a meeting on 2nd March to discuss aspects of marketing, so it would be good if you could respond by midday on Wednesday. ---------- That is ok, I can do that... but when people are looking for things like this, why dont the write their own e-mails? The first letter above is ok, but all my questions and correspondence go through the secretary, instead of Dr. S. Sounds rather like I am some test rat, to radioactive to touch. Or is it just the regular paranoia talking ... I need some Coreandir Anais tea...In fact I love the smell of herbal tea in the moring. It smells like,,...... like liquorice.
Um mig

- S. Kristjansson
- I was born in Iceland and lived there for most of my life until I moved to the UK to study. I am enjoying life and educating myself at the same time.